Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Li Li Fung reflection #2

We started out the dress design project first with the geometric aspect of Schindler House, then we decided to put an extend to relfect some other elements of modernist achitecture because we felt that it is important to understand the foundation of the design of the Schindler House; which came from the modernist movement.
 It was first difficult to analyze the design of the Schindler House and disect it into our design because our goal was to acheive a modernist look that garments should be wearable. We did not want to make our designs look just like the Schindler house; but to make our designs have the reminiscenes of the house in relation to the modernist architecture.
 Based on our research on modernist architecture, we focused on modernist Mies Van Der Roche because his idea "less is more" reflects very much on the Schindler House design in the perspectice on choices of materials and texture. One of Roche's design Seagram Building was pretty much our main inspiration because his design on playing light and dark with repetitive patterns shows the asethetic of glass and transperancy. We found that the minimal aspect in modernist architecture very inspiring because we felt the same about fashion design that clothes that with minimalism definitely gives an edge to style and it shows the asethetic of the material itself which is fabric. Therefore, we came up with two elements that needed to be stressed in our designs which were: contrast between sheer and solid and geometric shapes. I find it interesting that minimal design actually helps streesing the idea of sheer and solid because minimal seamlines would make the asethetic between sheer and solid even more stand-out. Also, the essential of cutting fabric in geometric shapes is that fabric drapes beautifully in big shapes on body but also gives an modernist architecture feeling to clothing.
 I personally like the textural aspect in the Schindler House design the most because the contrast between the linear wood with the transperant glass grids and the contrast between solid concrete walls with minimal touch of transperancy of the glass. I think glass or transperancy are one the most essential element in modernist architecture; it gives a feeling of clarity and lavishness to design in general.

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