Thursday, March 10, 2011

Storboard Sketches

Esther Kim
Karen Lee
Pauline Mun
Justine Kim
Scene 1:
Slide 1: Friends Justine (husband) and Pauline (wife), Esther (husband) and Karen (wife), move into the Schindler House.
Caption: Justine moves into the Schindler House to study architectural structure of the space.
Esther moves into the Schindler House to study the light source of the space.
Historical background caption: Schindler house is the first modern house.
Schindler House demonstration of his exploration of the relationship of space, light and form.

Scene 2:
Slide 1: Karen wearing her apron and baking cap, baking in the kitchen.
Slide 2: Mixing flour on the counter and then moves on to the oven to pull out another tray.
Slide 3:There are four plates laid out on the counter.
Slide 4: Karen lays ginger cookies and cupcakes on the plates
            Slide 5: Karen carries a tray with the filled plates and leaves the kitchen.
Scene 3:
Slide 1: Justine working in her studio (draw what you think you would be doing? :} )
Slide 2: Karen walks in but Justine does not notice her. She continues to work on her project.
Slide 3: Karen lays the plate next to her work table and quietly walks out.

Scene 4:
Slide 1: Pauline making a dress on a mannequin, wearing a tape measure and scissors around her neck and pin cushion on her wrist.
Slide 2: Pauline moves over to the sewing machine as Karen is walking into the sewing room.
Slide 3: Karen places the plate on the table, Pauline looks up and gives her a smile.
Slide 4: Karen walks out.

Scene 5:
Slide 1: Esther taking photographs inside of the house using the light source the construction of the house it allows.
Slide 2: Esther walks out to the backyard with the camera taking photos outside of the house.
Slide 3: Karen walks out while Esther is taking photographs. She takes a pastry from the plate and places a cookie in Esther’s mouth.
Slide 4: Karen walks back into the house, back into the kitchen.

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