Thursday, March 31, 2011

Script and Historical/Background Information

Karen Lee
Pauline Mun
Esther Kim
Justine Kim

Last Scene
The scene will open with close up on Karen's eye. Zoom out, and show the setting of the kitchen.
Everyone in the house gets their own servings for dinner. Everyone sits down at the table waiting to eat. Justine gets up and goes out of the house to the storage to get wine.
(Enter title): 1920s-1930s
Alcohol Prohibition Era: Intention to reduce alcohol consumption by eliminating businesses that manufactured distributed and sold it.

Five historical background information that will be pointed out in the film.
History/Info of the house:
1. "system of interlocking garden-courts, flanked by living spaces that had open glass fronts.. adaptation of simple constructional technology to local environmental needs and possibilities... combination and exploitation is genuinely original"(Architecture III: The Exiles)

2. Archiecture: "two interlinking "L" shaped apartment... The four studios were originally designated for the four members..."

20's Era information:
3. "Flapper" illustration to indicate that it is based in the 20's.

4. hidden alcohol. Alcohol prohibition during the 20's

5. Background music: Jazz. Louis Armstrong, Bix Biederbeck.

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