Thursday, March 31, 2011

Schindler House model

Here's how far I was able to get with the basic model of the Schindler House today. It still needs work, but it should go much quicker once the whole group gets started on it.

Javier Banuelos
Myong Choi
Josh Dunn

Dereck Seltzer - Associative mapping

Words: Identity, autonomy, alienation, history, digital vs analog, self-loathing, loss of ego - neglect, abuse.

Lexicon / mapping



Script and Historical/Background Information

Karen Lee
Pauline Mun
Esther Kim
Justine Kim

Last Scene
The scene will open with close up on Karen's eye. Zoom out, and show the setting of the kitchen.
Everyone in the house gets their own servings for dinner. Everyone sits down at the table waiting to eat. Justine gets up and goes out of the house to the storage to get wine.
(Enter title): 1920s-1930s
Alcohol Prohibition Era: Intention to reduce alcohol consumption by eliminating businesses that manufactured distributed and sold it.

Five historical background information that will be pointed out in the film.
History/Info of the house:
1. "system of interlocking garden-courts, flanked by living spaces that had open glass fronts.. adaptation of simple constructional technology to local environmental needs and possibilities... combination and exploitation is genuinely original"(Architecture III: The Exiles)

2. Archiecture: "two interlinking "L" shaped apartment... The four studios were originally designated for the four members..."

20's Era information:
3. "Flapper" illustration to indicate that it is based in the 20's.

4. hidden alcohol. Alcohol prohibition during the 20's

5. Background music: Jazz. Louis Armstrong, Bix Biederbeck.

All material - Map, New Sketches.

Dereck Seltzer

The artwork proposed for the project is indexical in nature, the focus being on the objects in the power they/ it (the Schindler house) posses. The Schindler house is a Los Angeles Icon, and as such has the potential to provide a loaded subject from which to derive a boundless amount of material to work with.

It is from this point that I have found a place to personify my personal interest in the Schindler house. The objects and material portrayed in the work address the material and life forms found around - and functioning within the Schindler house.

This process however is taking too long - its time to just have fun and quit fucking around with concepts and thought.

MAP final by Karen Hsu & Lili Fung



Thursday, March 10, 2011

Chris & Daniel Group Map

3/10/11 Group Project Map Board

Javier Banuelos
Myong Choi
Josh Dunn

We were also able to find a website which shows when buildings were built in the LA area. Here's the link
This helped us get the dates for when the buildings surrounding the Schindler House were erected.
This is a screen shot of the program, and the data for the building next to the Schindler House.

Map by Karen Hsu and Lili Fung

Schindler House Mapboard

Pauline Mun
Esther Kim
Justine Kim
Karen Lee

Additional plans
Earth Map

Chris & Daniel Group

The Main page
The House page

Stroy board by Karen Hsu and Lili Fung

Storboard Sketches

Esther Kim
Karen Lee
Pauline Mun
Justine Kim
Scene 1:
Slide 1: Friends Justine (husband) and Pauline (wife), Esther (husband) and Karen (wife), move into the Schindler House.
Caption: Justine moves into the Schindler House to study architectural structure of the space.
Esther moves into the Schindler House to study the light source of the space.
Historical background caption: Schindler house is the first modern house.
Schindler House demonstration of his exploration of the relationship of space, light and form.

Scene 2:
Slide 1: Karen wearing her apron and baking cap, baking in the kitchen.
Slide 2: Mixing flour on the counter and then moves on to the oven to pull out another tray.
Slide 3:There are four plates laid out on the counter.
Slide 4: Karen lays ginger cookies and cupcakes on the plates
            Slide 5: Karen carries a tray with the filled plates and leaves the kitchen.
Scene 3:
Slide 1: Justine working in her studio (draw what you think you would be doing? :} )
Slide 2: Karen walks in but Justine does not notice her. She continues to work on her project.
Slide 3: Karen lays the plate next to her work table and quietly walks out.

Scene 4:
Slide 1: Pauline making a dress on a mannequin, wearing a tape measure and scissors around her neck and pin cushion on her wrist.
Slide 2: Pauline moves over to the sewing machine as Karen is walking into the sewing room.
Slide 3: Karen places the plate on the table, Pauline looks up and gives her a smile.
Slide 4: Karen walks out.

Scene 5:
Slide 1: Esther taking photographs inside of the house using the light source the construction of the house it allows.
Slide 2: Esther walks out to the backyard with the camera taking photos outside of the house.
Slide 3: Karen walks out while Esther is taking photographs. She takes a pastry from the plate and places a cookie in Esther’s mouth.
Slide 4: Karen walks back into the house, back into the kitchen.

Group Theme / Preliminary photo - storyboard notations - Dereck Seltzer

Dereck Seltzer

10 themes concerning the Schindler House derived from research / meditations :

1.Isolation vs Densification - cloning

2. Elitist vs Populist

3. Hybridity vs Purism

4. West vs Far West
5. Physical vs Metaphsyical

6. Modernization vs History

7. Analog vs Digital

8. Activism vs Pacifism

9. Independence vs Interdependency

10. Fragmentation / Misconstruction of Agency 

Medium Format (120 film) photography I Shot (No digital application used)  - Concerning Schindler House (Preliminary Tests)

1. Isolation VS Dense /Hybridity VS Purism

2. Analog VS Digital / Elitist VS Populist

                                          3. Modernism / Post Structuralism - Misconstruction of Agency